A Framework for Feedback
As we've discussed, feedback and evaluation are best when they are behavior-oriented and outcomes-driven, but knowing exactly what to say can be a real challenge for many of us. In recognition of this, we wanted to highlight a feedback and evaluation tool that may help you with this task.

When you're crafting written feedback or evaluations, start by reflecting on things you've observed. As we've discussed before, these should be behaviors or decisions (not traits). Then get specific. What behaviors or decisions need to be changed (or not) moving forward? Make specific recommendations about next steps that will move them toward a goal and provide examples about what achieving that goal will look like. These examples and way-points give learners a mental framework that they can use to understand where they are, where they're headed, and what getting there entails (and they have an answer to the question, "what are you working on?" that isn't "everything"). Explaining why the outcomes are important ensures learners find your recommendations relevant.